Friday, January 25, 2008

I Don't Want Your Socks!

Every night this week we've been stopped on the street outside our subway station at about 10:30 pm by the same two people. As soon as they see us, they run over and start reading from a card . . . "Hello, I am a student from Mongolia, I am having trouble paying for school and I would like to sell you some socks. 3 for $10. Will you help me pay for school?"

The strange thing is that hundreds of people walk out of our subway station every minute but they always zone in on us. They don't realize how many times they have stopped us. One night they followed us very close to our apartment so we took a few extra laps around the block so they couldn't follow us home. I'm not entirely convinced that they're even students or that they're from Mongolia. I'm going to start speaking French or Pig Latin next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

buy our socks dammit!